Israel, Politics

When Right-wing extremists attack

Netanyahu was surrounded at a wedding party by people crying “Jewish blood is not cheap!” and “Murderer, your day will come,” and had objects – possibly including plates – thrown at him.

The senior minister’s bodyguards immediately closed in around him and began making their way to his waiting vehicle to take him from the area. When they arrived at vehicle they realized all the tires had been punctured. Netanyahu was not hurt.

Earlier in the week, Education Minister Limor Livnat was assaulted by a group of Kachniks while (ironically) attending the annual public memorial for Avraham Stern, commander of the Zionist underground terrorist group Lehi a.k.a. “Stern Gang”.

MK Ruhama Avraham said she has been subject to a steamroller of threats after expressing support for disengagement and the prime minister. “I’ve become accustomed to it,” she said. “The threats increase with every vote. And it’s not only on the phone. Before votes, they mill around outside the offices in the Knesset and the message is clear. But it doesn’t bother me.”

BBC News / Arutz Sheva / Reuters

[UPDATE] Hizbollah ‘is plotting to assassinate’ Abbas.
[UPDATE 2] Sharon Orders Jewish Extremist Crackdown
[UPDATE 3] Conflicting reports suggest “the wedding incident” did not transpire.

28 thoughts on “When Right-wing extremists attack

  1. Spooky stuff indeed. But this:
    “Zionist underground terrorist group Lehi a.k.a. “Stern Gang”.
    After reading all of the arguement visavis “Jews have their terrorists also”, I don’t agree with that the Stern Gang or Irgun were terrorists. In general, they focused their activites against British soldiers (who were only too willing to side with Arabs) and police. To even equate Lechi, Irgun, etc with Hamas, Hezbollah, is sick. But I expect that from David Irving. From a Jew, I find it revolting.

  2. Uh, the Lehi and Irgun each blew up their share of streets, marketplaces, and other places where innocent Arabs gathered. The point was to kill lots of innocent people. The fact that they both also organized for Zionist military objectives against the British doesn’t change that. You should save your revulsion.

  3. I admire their chutzpah and ability to focus their activites on military targets. I can not believe you don’t see the differences b/w the targets they chose, and the targets Hamas chooses.
    My revulsion remains.

  4. shtreimel wrote: “ To even equate Lechi, Irgun, etc with Hamas, Hezbollah, is sick.
    oh right. Their goals are so much different.
    “Lehi’s goals were maximalist: conquest and liberation of Eretz Israel; war against the British Empire; complete withdrawal of Britain from Palestine; and establishment of a “Hebrew kingdom from the Euphrates to the Nile.”
    ource: Israeli Foreign Ministry

  5. heh… I actually went to middle school with A. Stern’s grandson. Nice kid.
    So here’s a question– when Hamas targets a bus stop full of hitchhiking IDF soldiers, is that very different from the Stern Gang targeting British soldiers?
    I dunno– look, they weren’t exactly symbols of peace and coexistence… but, it seems that their tactics were an essential step towards ending the mandate. Ends justify the means? certainly room for debate.

  6. Oh, and relative to the threats against MK’s, it’s really agonizing that those that claim to represent Jewish values act with such disdain for humanity and law. ’nuff sed.


  8. E – Yeah, I don’t know – I was not there.. But it seems that a lot of media is reporting it as an attack:
    “The Rishon Letzion Magistrate’s Court on Saturday evening extended the remand of the 17-year-old youth who was allegedly part of the group that attacked Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a wedding he attended at Kfar Chabad on Thursday.
    “I see a worrying deterioration,” Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Friday, a day after he was attacked and his car tires slashed.
    “Political violence against any person is immoral We must not let things get out of hand,” Netanyahu told Channel 2 News. ”
    Jerusalem Post
    “A plate was thrown”
    The Telegraph (UK)
    “A group, shouting that “Jewish blood is not cheap,” tried to assault Netanyahu.”
    “The assailants tried to attack Netanyahu, 55, a former prime minister, but were held back by wedding guests as his security guards whisked him away from the scene in another vehicle. ”

  9. “So here’s a question– when Hamas targets a bus stop full of hitchhiking IDF soldiers, is that very different from the Stern Gang targeting British soldiers?”
    Ronene, is their a difference between a cop that rapes a woman and a baker that does the same thing? No. How about a cop that shoots a rapist and a rapist that shoots a woman? Yes.
    Hamas considers all Isralis as legitimate targets. I had nice discussion about this with a rabbi last night…more or less he said that comparissons b/w Hamas and Irgun/Stern are so crazy he wanted to know where they were coming from. I gladly promoted this site. We may have a new visitor.

  10. “Golan seems to be arguing against comparing the Irgun and Lehi with contemporary Palestinian terrorists. But his argument won’t fly. I see no difference between planting bombs in Arab markets (1937-38) designed to kill as many shoppers as possible and planting bombs on Jewish buses (2000-03) designed to kill as many passengers as possible. Killing as many civilians as possible is, in both cases, the name of the game.”
    Benny Morris – The Forward
    November 11, 1937 — an Irgun bomb kills two Arabs and wounds five at a Jerusalem bus depot near Jaffa Street.
    November 14, 1937 — the Irgun inaugurates the “Day of the Breaking of the Havlaga (restraint)”, killing a number of Arabs in separate simultaneous attacks around the country.
    July 6, 1938 — An Irgun operative dressed as an Arab places two large milk cans filled with TNT and shrapnel in the Arab market in downtown Haifa; the explosions kill twenty-one people and wound fifty-two.
    July 15, 1938 — On David Street in the Old City of Jerusalem, an Irgun bomb kills ten Arabs and wounds more than thirty.
    July 25, 1938 — The Haifa market again; this time, the bomb is disguised as a large can of sour cucumbers and kills thirty-nine Arabs, leaving seventy more wounded.
    August 26, 1938 — An Irgun bomb kills twenty-four Arabs and wounds thirty-nine in the vegetable market in Jaffa.
    source: Orthodox Anarchist

  11. I guess the media wouldn’t be interested in turning yelling into an ‘attack.’ Just like JB doesn’t want to salivate over it.
    Is there a JewSchool RSS feed without JB?

  12. Netanyahu got off easy. It was yeshiva bochurim from Kfar Chabad and other Chabad yeshivas that were m’vatel their learning for a week to get people to vote him in as PM, on the promise that no there’d be no negotiating Israel’s territory. Not only did he negotiate, he’s the only one so far who’s actually retreated. He has some nerve showing his face there. I want to know who the idiot is who invited him to a wedding there.
    Comparing this crowd to either Irgun or, l’havdil, Chamas is bullshit. There not organized guerillas. They’re civilians who, considering their VERY strong feelings about being betrayed by the Israeli government over and over again, reacted with relative civility.

  13. Discuss amongst yourselves:
    Minister Verbally Attacked – Tires of his Vehicle Slashed
    04:48 Feb 11, ’05 / 2 Adar 5765
    ( When Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu emerged from the Kfar Habad bar mitzvah of the son of an old army buddy on Thursday night, he was verbally attacked by a crowd shouting “Jewish blood is not cheap!” attacking the government’s policies.
    The senior minister’s bodyguards immediately closed in around him and began making their way to his waiting vehicle to take him from the area. When they arrived at vehicle they realized all the tires had been punctured.
    Habad spokesman Menachem Brod stated the bar mitzvah was not that of a Kfar Chabad resident and the ‘attackers’ were not local residents. Brod added “this is not our way and those who committed this act have compromised the integrity of Kfar Chabad and Chabad hassidim.
    SOURCE: Arutz Sheva

  14. Shtreimel… don’t be so dense. The British soldiers that the Stern Gang killed were not exactly the policy makers. I’m no fan of Hamas, obviously, and when it comes to the Stern Gang… all I’m saying is that back then I wouldn’t have joined, but with hindsight I can say some of their tactics were beneficial to the Zionist cause.

  15. Context Brown, context. I just read the entire comment and response on Dan’s site, and some dude provides context to your alleged Jewish terrorist activites. I’m not posting the link, you can visit it yourself.
    Brown, I’m not surprised that you’d equate the two. Actually, you don’t. You’ve got that turret-like syndrome of cut and paste. Do you have any ideas of your own? Here’s mine:
    I have not seen, heard or read that the Irgun specifically targeted civilians to accomplish their goals. Did civilians die? Of course. During the 20’s-30’s Jews/Arabs were dying everyday.
    But the Islamic terrorism that we witness today specficially targets civilians to further their theological/political goals. To be honest, one would think that Jewish terrorists should have been killing Poles, Germans, etc while we were being burned in ovens. Alas, we don’t do that sort of stuff. That’s right Brown, I see differences where you only see shades of grey. Actually judging by your 20 Anti-Israel posts to 1 Pro-Israel post pattern, I’d say the color is closer to black.

  16. shtremel wrote: “I have not seen, heard or read that the Irgun specifically targeted civilians to accomplish their goals.
    You’re out of your mind.. what do you call repeatedly setting off bombs in the Jaffa Market, Haifa market and Jaffa bus depot?

  17. Kfar Chabad Chief Rabbi:
    “When asked about the recent attack in Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi replied to Ynet, ‘We have issued a private investigation and have concluded that only a small number of gangsters are responsible for this attack.’ In response to how Chabadniks expected reaction to the evacuation of Gush Katif, the Rabbi went on, ‘We will issue a fast day and increase prayers. This will be much more effective than to show up personally in Gush Katif and to participate physically in the opposition. The entire population of the Kfar will be called upon to pray that Sharon repents and withdraws this dangerous plan. Chabad is against land concessions but we will not behave violently or with force – which only succeeds in detaching people’s hearts and minds from the readiness to comprehend the Rebbe’s opinion on this matter’. Regarding the attack of the Finance Minister, the Rabbi insisted that only the particular group of misbehaved youths are to be blamed for this while the entire Kfar population adheres to the Rebbe’s policy which denounces forceful opposition.”
    See original letter:

  18. You’re out of your mind.. what do you call repeatedly setting off bombs in the Jaffa Market, Haifa market and Jaffa bus depot?
    Yeah. Seriously shtreimel, you are in some heavy-duty denial. As the guy who John Brown went back and quoted (I knew I posted something like that once, and thought about going to look for it, but yeesh, it was last August), it seems obvious to me that there is no other description for a market bombing than a deliberate attack on civilians. That’s why they were condemned by other elements in the Yishuv — somewhat cynically by the B-G faction, and honestly by the Ichud faction.
    “were dying every day?” Nice use of passive voice there, buddy. How exactly were they dying, is what you might want to focus on.

  19. Oh, and in terms of your claim that “context” was provided by Joe Schick for the Irgun terrorism I cited — you’ll notice that the only context he actually mentioned was for the attacks that occurred during the territorial war following the partition plan of ’47, not for the stuff that went on in the 30’s.

  20. What does “context” mean other than justifications for terrorism ?
    Talk about gray areas, or opening up pandora’s box!
    Unless you want to open the door to justification of hamas bombings (“oh see you need to understand the context“), you should stick to the position that terrorism is always wrong no matter who does it or why.

  21. Brown/Sam,
    I guess it comes down to perspective. For instance, I’ve read most of your posts on Jewschool, for the most part, particularily Brown, they’re no different from what I read on Stormfront (visavis Israel). Now Brown has been called on this before re: context, but his usual response is a cut/past job.
    For the most part, Irgun targeted military targets. This is not terrorism. Perhaps there were renegades who targeted civilians, if so, these were terrorist acts. And the individuals in question should be remembered for thier actions.

  22. shtremel wrote: “[i]For the most part, Irgun targeted military targets. This is not terrorism. Perhaps there were renegades who targeted civilians, if so, these were terrorist acts. And the individuals in question should be remembered for thier actions.”[/i]
    Your argument descends into moral relativism and makes you appear to be an apologist for terror. You’re claiming it’s acceptable for groups to engage in some terror as long as it’s not 100% of what they do.
    Your justifications are simply the flip-side of the argument that Hamas is a charity because it also does lots of social work in their community. By using the same bogus excuses you are legitimizing that argument.
    “There is a distinction between the political and terror wings of Hamas.”
    Apologists for Palestinian terror, especially in the media, sometimes argue that Hamas shouldn’t be labeled a terrorist organization because only some members engage in murder while others perform charitable activity. The ombudsman for the Washington Post, for example, argued that , since Hamas is a “nationalist movement” engaged in “some social work,” the perpetrators of Palestinian suicide and other attacks should be described in the press as “militants” or “gunmen” (The Washington Post, Sept. 21, 2003).’
    source: United Jewish Communities

  23. “Your argument descends into moral relativism ”
    The fact that you’re throwing that around is sweet. I’ve got to hand it to you Brown, you’ve got balls.

  24. Journalist Amnon Abromovitz, revealed last night on Israel Television Channel Two that the headline making incident in which Minister Netanyahu was “attacked” was staged for the media.
    Abromovitz reported that the entire incident involved two youngsters who yelled at Netanyahu “you are a bunny, Jewish blood isn’t valueless” at the behest of a reporter. After the performance the reporter sent an SMS message “great job.”
    While earlier reports indicated that one of the tires of Netanyahu’s vehicle was punctured as it was parked, Israel Radio reported yesterday that Netanyahu told the cabinet that the tire was low on air but that he is convinced someone let the air out of the tire (his driver was in the car at the time but did not notice anyone near the car).
    Journalist Amnon Abromovitz exposed Avishai Raviv as an agent of the General Security Services code-named “Champagne”. Raviv’s primary function was as an agent provocateur to provide incidents that would defame Oslo opponents. Many of the favorite anti-Oslo opponent film footage still shown to this day, including the Rabin in SS uniform photo-montage, were produced thanks to the work of this GSS agent.

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