Global, Israel

ZAKA Chairman Assaults Neturei Kisser

JPost reports,

Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, chairman of ZAKA and former operations officer for the Ultra-Orthodox community, hit the Jewish man who kissed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it was reported on Monday.
The violent incident occurred last Friday in Poland during a mass visit of Orthodox Jews to the country in order to honor Hassidic Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.
When the visitors arrived at Lizhensk on Friday morning, they heard that Moshe Arye Freedman, a member of the fanatic anti-Israel group Neturei Karta, was present as well. Freedman recently made headlines when he was photographed kissing Ahmadinejad during the Holocaust denial conference in Teheran three months ago.
Meshi-Zahav, along with another ZAKA member, quickly located Freedman and set upon him, punching the man, kicking him and breaking his glasses.
The fight was dispersed when local police arrived at the scene.
As an act of appreciation, Meshi-Zahav was called up to read the Torah in synagogue.


9 thoughts on “ZAKA Chairman Assaults Neturei Kisser

  1. On the one hand, is a violent attack such as this ever justified?
    On the other hand, maybe sometimes it is… this probably falls under not justified at all but still feels damn good.

  2. Fatalism, just as multiple gods, is alien to Judaism. A Jewish reference to the eternal hatred of the nations is the talmudic saying: “Esau hates Jacob.” Yet some rabbis, including Rabbi Naphtali Zvi Berlin (the Netziv), emphasize that in the future the two will love one another deeply, as did Rabbi Judas the Prince and the Roman Emperor Antoninus.
    In the light of this interpretation it is easier to grasp why many community leaders took their inspiration from the story of Esau and Jacob before negotiating with unfriendly authorities: They were attempting to turn an enemy into a friend.
    This is what the anti-Zionist rabbis of today claim they are doing when they travel to Iran and embrace President Ahmadinejad. Unlike Benny Morris, they are trying to find a way to prevent a tragedy from coming true. They may not succeed, but they should not be condemned for trying.

    yakov rabkin

  3. right.
    I’m sure that now that Freedman’s been punched in the face, he has changed his political views to love the state of Israel and hate Ahmadinejad. I’m so glad that people are finding such constructive ways to solve problems.

  4. more funny then this is the fact the Meshi Zahav had in the last years tens of checks that later rebaunced and till today he refuses to pay his debts.

  5. is it about changing his mind, or just publicly rebuking him, with one’s fists.
    May I say, “attaboy”?

  6. Mobius, your Yakov Rabkin quote is taken out of context.
    It’s drawn from a comparison between Benny Morris’ Ha’aretz editorial and the anti-Zionist NK rabbis. And it’s nonsense.
    In Rabkin’s private mindgarden, it’s Morris who is a “fatalist,” and the NK rabbis are actually being pro-active, i.e. supposedly trying to do something about the situation by traveling to Tehran to smooch the President.
    Thing is, he’s got it backwards: The NK rabbis are the fatalists. They would rather sit around and wait for mosiach than establish a state for Jews — and to hell with the consequences (like, uh, the Shoah).
    It’s Zionists like Morris who would prefer to DO something about the plight of the modern Jew in the world, rather than sit around and accept the status quo (however wrong-headed Zionism may be in this regard; I make no claims in that regard for the purposes of this argument).
    Sure, Morris paints a chilling scenario in his editorial, and offers no solution. But the editorial was understood by most to be a wake-up call, a description of a potentiality whose likelihood is actually increased by inaction.
    (And again: we can argue all day about whether the establishment of the state of Israel was the right “solution” to the problems of Jewish existence in the modern world. I know many posters on here would say it wasn’t. But to paint the NK rabbis as the “anti-fatalists,” the ones actually like “getting out there and doing something about the grave threats Israel faces at the hands of radical Islamist leaders” is really a joke. They’re appeasers, plain and simple. They are not trying to solve the State of Israel’s problems — as Rabkin laughably suggests; they are trying to avoid harm to themselves at any cost, in this case the State of Israel’s.)

  7. You know what, the guy probably deserves a fist in his face. He also probably deserved having his wife and kids leave him, and well, that already happened. But, given that, what right on Earth does any person have to lift up his hand against his neighbor? This story is very frightening. We are not talkigna bout some drunken teenager on a Shabbat afternoon, but of a grown adult, a Rabbi, an outstanding leader who has dedicated his life to saving lives and trying to make the world better, who thought it was appropriate to hunt another person down and attack him. First off, it is a shame he wasn’t arrested for unaggravated assault, but meanwhile, more importantly, what does this tell us about our society today, that even it’s renowned religious leaders engage in such activity, and are even applauded for it?

  8. We should all be so lucky to catch our beatings from ZAKA. They’re the only people in the world who will pound you into the pavement and then diligently scrape you off.

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