A little of this, a little of that
Gah–will some passionate, brilliant young Jews b/t the ages of 18-24 pleeeease step up and take this website off my hands? I’ve got so much other work to do!
First, brass tax:
Yasher koach — or pardon me, shkoyach — to Jewcy’s Joey Kurtzman for such a wonderful job of rubbing Abe Foxman’s face in his own feces. And kol hakavod to Jewschool alumn Asaf Shtull-Trauring, for his role, as featured in the article, in disrobing the emperor, who, when provoked, fessed up to the fact that “I [Foxman] don’t represent you nor the Jewish community! I represent the donors!” I smell a grassroots “Fire Foxman” campaign coming on…
Elsewhere in Mishegaaserei:
- Check out Jerry Haber’s provoking new blog The Magnes Zionist, and if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t sleep on Realistic Dove.
- Right-wing activists are demanding Israel tie the release of Kahanist militants to the release of Palestinian prisoners, a move supported by no less than 45 members of Knesset. Responding to Shas Chairman Eli Yishai’s promotion of the notion, Haaretz reporter Uzi Benziman wrote, “This is one stage in a bloody struggle in which the enemy views the released prisoners as prisoners of war. The Jewish murderers and criminals that Yishai would like to remove from their cells, in contrast, are considered criminal offenders in every respect by our country’s law enforcement agencies. The equation in such prisoner exchanges is freed Arab prisoners on the one hand and soldiers taken captive during clashes with the enemy on the other. Tying Jewish murderers into this deal is like mixing oil and water.”
- New video shows the IDF demolishing a Palestinian fruit grove to make way for Efrat’s new sewer system.
- Australian Prime Minister John Howard, a strong ally of the Bush administration, publicly admitted that the war in Iraq was pursued for oil interests.
- Dr. Bronner, the organic soap guy with all the Jesus stuff on the bottle? Jew.
- The Times of India has a cute feature on Israeli life in India.
- Ahhh, I get it: So if white Republicans disenfranchise black Democratic voters, it’s no problem. But if black Democrats disenfranchise white Republican voters, they get taken down. Two legal systems in America? Naw… Couldn’t be.
- And as for Zionist/anti-Zionist scuffling in the press: The new anti-Semitism: How the Left reversed history to bring Judaism under attack, Anti-Zionists should grow up, and It’s Time for a Declaration of Independence From Israel
Thanks for mentioning “Realistic Dove,” I think. Is
“don’t sleep on Realistic Dove” meant to be a compliment? Never heard the phrase before. Is it a loose translation of Hebrew slang? I’m a married guy, so the opportunities for sleeping on me aren’t what they used to be…
it’s um… i guess hip-hop slang is what you’d call it… to sleep on something means to ignore it. so if you say, don’t sleep on x, it means don’t ignore x.
Thanks for the 411.
INterestingly regarding teh disenfranchisement of blacks versus whites: it’s perfectly clear from the article how the blacks were disenfranchised (and how it’s very simiilar to lots of other instances we’ve seen inrecent elections, and probably lots we haven’t seen, too). On the other hand, I can’t see much descrition of what actually happened in the articule that claims that whites were disenfranchised. I can’t tell what happened at all. That, in itself, makes me wonder quite a bit….
Give me one Briton that takes The Daily Mail seriously, and you win a car. If I had one.