Fuzzy Math Indeed
Sharons “Goodwill” Gesture in hopes of a possible cease fire:
900 Free Prisoners (Including those who bombed school buses).
George Bush’s Gift To Abu Mazen:
$350,000,000 Dollars. (thats 350 mmmmmillion dollars)
Probability of peace in the middle east?
Some things are difficult to accomplish. For everything else, there’s another legacy seeking American President.
How can you blame Bush when many if not a majority of Israelis want the disengagement!? Sharon asks for Bush’s support on creating a Jewish state. Bush wants to stabilize the region. Seems like golden opportunity for Bush!
It is, however, hard to concieve that Busah actually thinks the disengagement is right. Most Evangelical Christians would disagree.
The mechanics of your punchline is extremely troublesome. How much probability would it cost to make you change this post?
Sometimes I can’t tell who is rooting against Arab-Israeli peace more…the Right or the Left. Here we learn that “goodwill” deserves scare quotes. At LGF it’s “cease-fire” as they call attention to continued Hamas violence. I guess radicals of both stripes have trouble with a little optimism during historic times? I think Bush did the right thing in refusing to acknowledge Arafat. Would everything that’s happening now be happening if he hadn’t? If this thing happens, I hate to say it but Busg will deserve credit. Not to mention Iraq.
pardon me – but my hopeful optimism began with handshake on the whitehouse lawn and ran thin at camp david. You talk of historic times as if this all began yesterday. I am still optimistic, but i am jaded and cynical and will take all of these proceedings with a grain of salt. Especially when i am the minority in an american political community who chastised the efforts of the previous president, while lauding current efforts and I can’t really see much of a difference. (superficially of course)
ms black, I don’t like Big Government Bush, but He, Sharon, and now Abbas seem headed to the history books. Sometimes, popular optimism is what is required to get things done. It seems to be happening.
Nothing of historical significance is happening. Have you been paying attention to history? Nothing has changed.
You have every right to be jaded. I won’t begrudge you that. I mean, the jaded certainly have a bigger chance to be proven right in the end considering the history. However, Sharon is motivated not by “goodwill” but pragmatism. As is Abbu Mazen. This isn’t about love. However, it seems that finally *two* leaders want what’s best for their people. That’s good.
“Especially when i am the minority in an american political community who chastised the efforts of the previous president, while lauding current efforts and I can’t really see much of a difference. (superficially of course)’
This I don’t understand. Everyone acknowledges that Arafat’s death has provided a window to peace. Ergo, his life was an impediment to it. Clinton/Bush comparisons don’t make any sense here. I think most people think Clinton did a very good job only to be frustruated by Arafat. The death of Arafat and Fatah’s decision to more or less install (‘democratically’) a moderate in his place is what should bring hope to all concerned.
“Nothing of historical significance is happening. Have you been paying attention to history? Nothing has changed.’
Really? You think Sharon is being hoodwinked by the smooth talking Abu Mazen? He’s way too tough for that in my opinion. You think Fatah picked Abu Mazen over Barghoutti for PR? Doubt it. Looks like people are getting sensible; want to live like normal folk. That’s all.
No matter what you feel about Bush’s proposed $350 million, it’s never going to show. That man cut taxes in a wartime economy and is attempting a multi-trillion dollar switch to more privatized Social Security, among other things. I don’t think the U.S. can afford to provide Abbas with that kind of money, and I’ll be very interested to see if it actually ever turns up, and what forms it may take if it actually does manifest.
That’s pocket change. And more a symbollic gesture than anything else.
Every time people get together at the peace table people want to call it revolutionary and say, “this time it’s different.” Abbas was “elected” because no one else ran. Barghoutti was pushed out by goons and is in jail for murder. The Israeli politicians have never made sense because they have to bow to too many political forces and everyone sells out votes for a bigger piece of the budget. There are no new political positions in charge. Do you think Hamas got elected for peace? Do you think Sharon wants to disengage from Gaza for peace?
Dammit TTC,
Address the mechanics of your sarcastic joke. The punchline is excrutiating. Aside from the fact that the “Priceless” metaphor is beyond stale, “priceless” can’t be a probability.
“Do you think Sharon wants to disengage from Gaza for peace?”
No Arab was pushed off the land that’s now Gush Katif. Sharon wants to give away land for purely defensive purposes. I don’t think he believes this will satisfy the Arab world’s quest for Jewish land.
“I don’t think he believes this will satisfy the Arab world’s quest for Jewish land.’
The Arab world? No he’s not thinking that way. He’s too practical for that.
Too practical? Are you kidding?
I’m sure he sees the war of the Arab world vs. Israel and Jews everywhere. He’s been around too long. And there’s far too many missles pointed at us from every direction not to see it.
It’s not about practical, it’s about not being blind to your enemy’s objective.
Most Jews in the Orthodox Community hate clinton and everything he did especially “forcing” and “imposing” israel into concessions, etc, but Bush is supposedly “the best firend israel ever had.”
I dont get that.
Abu Mazen is worse than Arafat. Until he admits that the Holocaust actually happened, I don’t believe he is sincere about anything.
Velvel my friend, ambiguity there is key.
I referrred to numbers and even monetary amounts.
You’re so smart, figure it out.
I figured out what’s been bothering me about your name. It should be “ms black jew WHOM the word sand nigger makes cry”
No need to keep Town Crying about the election.
I still don’t get your “joke” and it hurts my head to try to understand your answer.
“It’s not about practical, it’s about not being blind to your enemy’s objective’
We sort of agree. I just think you are talking about these issues at the level of ideology. Sharon doesn’t care about that stuff. He can pull out of the territories because Iraq no longer threatens a land invasion. The territories have not so much to do with preventing missilles, right? He doubt he thinks that Arabs will ever love Jews, but I bet he doesn’t waste too much time worrying about it either. Small steps; unilateral withdrawal; very practical.
“Abu Mazen is worse than Arafat. Until he admits that the Holocaust actually happened, I don’t believe he is sincere about anything.’
This is what I don’t get. Who cares if Abu Mazen hates Jews? He seems to actually care about his own people in a way that Arafat never did. THAT is sensible. That (comparable to Arafat) is historic. To want your people to live normal lives.
What do you care if he loves Jews.
“I figured out what’s been bothering me about your name. It should be “ms black jew WHOM the word sand nigger makes cry”
Yeah, well the Holy Terror named me and her grammar ain’t too good.
Who cares? Cause he’s gonna blow more Jews up, that’s who cares. I mean, we know that you usually stick up for Jew killers, so I’m not surprised that you’re spouting your shit here. So why should Jews give him anything? Easy to say when it’s not on your tab.
HT come back after your ba’al teshuva hangover has passed.
I don’t think we agree at all, mbjwtwsnmc. I just can’t figure out what you’re saying anymore.
dude, she’s not even Jewish and she agrees that it’s ok for blacks to kill Jews, and she’s coming on here making like she’s Jewish in order to hurt the Jewish people.
So bitch, I asked you oh so many times before? Do you think it’s good that Lemrick Nelson murdered Yankel Rosenbaum for the crime of being Jewish and are you Monk’s wife?
you are just proving me more and more right with every fecal posting emitted from your cavernous maw.
HT: Did you buy a thesaurus?
“I don’t think we agree at all, mbjwtwsnmc. I just can’t figure out what you’re saying anymore.’
no man, it’s a natural thesaurus.
that’s cool, man.
i like the master card type of format
totally makes sense to do it that way
“No need to keep Town Crying about the election. ”
why is that always the answer? How does that explain the baseless double standard???
ms black jew who the word sand nigger makes cry You think Fatah picked Abu Mazen over Barghoutti for PR? Doubt it. Looks like people are getting sensible; want to live like normal folk. That’s all.
You don’t really know the Arabs, you just assume that they are like you. What is normal? Buying appliances, going to the movies, meeting girls, trading bubble gum cards, planning vacations in Barbados, and/or working and harvesting from the land for eternity? You have no clue and your assumptions are dangerous.
“What is normal?”
All I can hope for is that the PA would actually prefer their people living than dying. Unfortunately, that is where we are starting at with the Palestinians. And I don’t ‘assume’ this. I expect it to be proven to me. We will see; thats all. Abu Mazen might be better than Arafat. He thinks the intifada was impractical. That’s a good start.
And of course my attitude is dangerous. So is absolute cynicism. The stakes are high, and nobody knows how this is going to turn out, right?
Let’s see how Abu Mazen deals with the checkpoint attacks today. A big test.
like I said, it’s easy for some stupid nigger pretending to be a Jew to tell real Jews to give up their houses and trust some sand nigger with a proven terrorist record to make peace.
one day you will die.
alright, the nigger thing is getting old.
Nah, keep it up. Nobody seems to mind.
HT, have you read your Torah portion this week? I found this week’s portion particularly relevant to some of your posts over the last week.
yeh, you guys got me. it was all a hoax.
but i still want to know, blackjew, how come you never said what you thought about the whole Lemrick Nelson thing? It’s scaring me.
hey btw, you know, any goy who keeps certain mitzvot that he’s not commanded to incurs physical death from heaven, right?
How is that HT? Show me the citation.
Also, why am I still alive?
P1:”any goy who keeps certain mitzvot that he’s not commanded to incurs physical death from heaven”
P:2 I am alive
P:3 I keep mitzvot beyond those required by a goy.
Therefore, I must be a Jew, not a goy. Is that what you are trying to say HT?
well, did you try to keep a shabbos 100% yet, I mean, halachically, not your conservative crap?
try it…btw, there are a lot of people walking around now, like homosexuals who engage in anal sex, that have already incurred the death penalty…. but I’m not sure how G-d doles it out, cause unlike most of you i don’t purport to be him.
hey what do you guys think of The Yonah Project?
::why is that always the answer? How does that explain the baseless double standard???::
Town Crier, don’t waste your time with people like Velvel. I’ve asked your question on my blog many times, and though smart right-wingers acknowledge the critique, (and recognize that the president they swore was Israel’s best friend is pursuing the same policies as Clinton, the president they swore was Israel’s worst nightmatre) people like Velvel will continue to justify their rascim and their hatred with as many illogical intellectual cartwheels as needed. Don’t sweat it.
Another glaring inconsistancy right -wingers ignore (and I’ve blogged about this, too) is this: For years they’s been telling us that Arabs want war, Arabs want violence, Arabs are animals. They objected to Oslo because an Arab democracy was a delusion. And now? Having had the truth shoved down their throats at last Monday’s election, they are suddenly gloating.
They change directions so quickly, they should get whiplash.
did my comment get removed or did it not go through?
hmm that’s as much money as we’re giving for tsunami relief
Let me say “Arab establishment” instead of “Arab world.”
What an incredible twist. The US forces Iraq’s despot out and sets up the election process. That’s proof of the Arab establishment wanting peace?
DovBear says re right-wingers:
“They objected to Oslo because an Arab democracy was a delusion. And now? Having had the truth shoved down their throats at last Monday’s election, they are suddenly gloating. ”
Objected to ARAB democracy? No, the Oslo problem was PALESTINIANS. It’s OK, I know how you lefties tend
to confue your ethnic and national groups.
And was the objection to Oslo an objection to democracy, or an objection to dealing with people who never had any intention of making peace? Hmmmm.
But thanks for your support for President Bush’s policies.
I think all the kikes should suck arab dick. Look at AL-Zaraqwi, he’s kicking serious ass for the muslim people. hooray! Arafat was the best ever! I have so many posters of blown up jewbuses. They hang on my wall proudly. I hope all blacks kill jews!
the negro in america may hate white jews but it is not the jews that are a danger to them it is there negro “brothers” and there negro “sisters”.Jews dont sell drugs to the black other blacks do thet white people dont give aids to the negro they put the needle in there arm all by them self they are not that dumb that the need the white mans help to get aids. There is no future for a worthless people that blame others for there problems .