- Rolling Stone loves Amy Winehouse.
- And Adam Knew Eve A dictionary of sex in the bible.
- Winston Churchill was a big dick.
- IDF database contradicts Peace Now findings, shows Maale Adumim built on .5% Palestinian-owned land, not 86%.
- UN: Israel’s Temple Mount dig poses no threat to al Aqsa.
- Jew Jersey moves to ban investment of state funds in Iran. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
- Israel’s poverty gap rises steadily.
- “There are two Benny Morrises,” says Avi Shlaim in WaPo. “There is the first-rate archival historian whose work is of utmost importance in understanding the Israeli-Arab conflict. And there is the third-rate political analyst who has little understanding of what is driving the modern conflict.”
- Israel’s radical religious right intends to bring 10,000 to Samaria this coming Passover, to rebuild a settlement uprooted during the disengagement.
- Japan is seeking to become a player in Middle East peace negotiations.
- Banana producer Chiquita has been fined $25 million after confessing to employing Columbian guerrillas as their security team.
- Yideoz: It’s like GodTube for Jews. And for that, God help us.
- A new online service aims to help you take your website offline for Shabbos.
the Iran divestment thing is no joke. expect to see a big push on this in the coming year. and unlike the Israel divestment campaign, there are some seriously well-conected people behind this effort.
re: Amy Winehouse: anyone feeling her sound PLEASE check out Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. they are the originators of Winehouse’s sound and deserve some respect. it’s been a longtime coming.
Regarding Winston Churchill and the warm spot most of us have for the man for saving the West and being supportive of the Jews, the article in question was probably not written by WC but by one of his assistants who he asked to draft the column – when WC saw it he disagreed with it and killed it – happens all the time, nothing to consider significant.
incorrect, what’s the basis for your claim there? The article references a ghostwriter, but it does not mention it being a draft and does not mention Churchill objecting to the anti-Semitism. It actually tells quite a different story, in which the article was submitted but withdrawn because “another magazine Churchill wrote for objected to him supplying a rival.” That’s a bit different.
If you have a source for your claim, please post it.
On an interesting note, DK also writes about Churchill–but with a ratherdifferent perspective.
Matt, I read that on-line, but I’m too tired to google for it, hope someone out there is willing to do so.
Perhaps someone will. But I have to tell you, that’s not a very convincing way to make an argument!
Why do I have to do all the heavy lifting around here:
Historians clash over Churchill ‘anti-Semitism’
David Smith
Sunday March 11, 2007
The Observer
Winston Churchill’s views on anti-Semitism were at the centre of a row last night after Cambridge University claimed to have discovered a 70-year-old document in which the future Prime Minister wrote that Jews may ‘have been partly responsible for the antagonism from which they suffer’, inviting terms of abuse such as ‘Hebrew bloodsucker’.
Dr Richard Toye, a Cambridge historian, said he chanced on a typed article, written by Churchill in 1937 but unpublished, among proofs and press cuttings at the Churchill Archives Centre in Cambridge. The university issued a press release trumpeting, ‘Uncovered: The “lost” paper Churchill kept from publication,’ and promoting a book by Toye which is to be published later this month.
Article continues
But when The Observer contacted Sir Martin Gilbert, the eminent historian and Churchill biographer, the implication of anti-Semitism began to unravel. Gilbert, who also has a book out this summer, said the article was not written by Churchill at all, but rather his ghost writer, Adam Marshall Diston. He added that Churchill’s instructions for the article were different in both tone and content from what Diston eventually wrote, and pointed out that Diston was a supporter of Oswald Mosley, the notorious fascist and anti-Semite. Churchill had stopped its publication in a newspaper.