
Motzash Mishegaas

5 thoughts on “Motzash Mishegaas

  1. Hi, I’m sort of a new lurker here, but I just wanted to say something about the Dershowitz issue which is that It’s disappointing that he would say something like that… mainly because in his books he advocates that Jews have to be careful not to accuse anti-semitism when people are merely criticizing Israel, not actually being Anti-Semitic.
    The second part of my comment though is that judging by the last part of the article on JPost: “[in which] they say that there are many American Jews who spend all their days basically influencing American foreign policy…” That, I feel, is definitely borderline what Dershowitz is saying.
    Of course there are many Jews influencing American policy every day. Is that a bad thing? They ARE Americans. Just like all the people that influence American policy for the Sierra Club, or for anything else. Is it a bad thing that they influence American policy? or is it only bad when Jews do it? The lobby is part of American politics, for better or for worse, so why pick on the Jews doing it?
    That said, Dershowitz may still be unjustified in his accusation, although I haven’t read the actual article he was talking about.

  2. Good pick up with the Nepal King’s seal (I also noticed it and was quite taken aback).
    Just note that you linked to the slideshow and now the relevant picture has been bumped back. Having been “burned” by this in the past, I’ve learned my lesson and now am careful to link to the picture itself and not the slideshow.

  3. Just because M & W’s article is not The Protocols of the Elders of Zions does not mean that it is not antisemitic. One can differ on what is America’s interests, but it is not all right to accuse your opponents of putting the interests of a foreign government before America’s interest. They are accusing AIPAC of disloyaly rather than accusing AIPAc of having the wrong agenda. That is classic antisemitism.
    M & W seem intent on blaming the Israel lobby for the invasion of Iraq, but Al Gore one of the most pro-Israel candidates ever opposed the invasion of Iraq.

  4. The six-pointed star is a symbol that pre-dates Judaism, and symbolically means “as above, so below”. It speaks of the macrocosm/microcosm; saying that what takes place on the material level or earth plane also takes place in the realm of the spirit.
    “In Nepal it is considered as a symbol of harmony between spirit and matter. This idea is well expressed by graphic representations of the human chakras with the star marking the heart chakra as the central and connecting link between the three lower ‘carnal’ chakras and the three upper ‘spiritual’ chakras. While all these lower and upper chakras are represented by Sanskirt letters, it is noteworthy that only the heart chakra with its connecting quality is depicted by this abstract sign, the six-pointed star.
    In the tantric teaching the star serves as a symbol for the man-wife relation.”
    I found this info. in the book”The Star of David” by Asher Eder, printed in Jerusalem in 1987 by Rubin Mass Ltd.

  5. The Star of David is a Jewish symbol while the hexagram is a multi-cultural shape. They look the same, but in order to decide which is which one must consider the context. In Nepal we are talking about the non Jewish hexagram while in the flag of Israel we are talking about the Star of David. It may sound absurd that the conclusion is dependent on the assumption – but isn’t it a part of the charm of this symbol: as above so below. You can look at it from the center to the corners and the other way round, from the assumption to the conclusion and the other way round.

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