
Sharon: “I am sorry I am not more religious”

From Maariv:

Chief rabbis to give Sharon monthly Torah lesson.

PM agrees to nurture spiritual side during meeting in Jerusalem; Asks rabbis to ease demands on converters

Best line:

According to Sharon, “I am sorry I am not more religious”, and the rabbis responded, “There is no such thing as religious or non-religious. All Jews are religious, some less, some more.”

Full Story.

8 thoughts on “Sharon: “I am sorry I am not more religious”

  1. “…All Jews are religious, some less, some more.”
    So there we have it: a life sentence with no possibility of parole or time off for good behaviour.
    That has me whimsically wondering what Sharon’s favourite passages are. Devarim 20:16-17 comes to mind as one possibility.

  2. Supposedly,
    one thing that worried Rabin’s associates before he was killed was that he too had started to take weekly torah lessons.
    At least we know that Sharon is trying to woo the ultra-orthodox parties and not do tshuva.

  3. When my step-father was dying from cancer a few years ago, he decided that maybe he should go back to temple for perhaps the first time since his bar mitzvah. He dragged me along too, and I was totally bumming out because 1) it was boring as hell and 2) he seemed to be going back on his whole lifelong anti-religion thing. When we got outside he said he was never going back again. What a relief.
    Hopefully Sharon makes the same choice, since anyway, he is a frigging mass murderer and isn’t really going to get anything from religion.

  4. Hopefully Sharon makes the same choice, since anyway, he is a frigging mass murderer and isn’t really going to get anything from religion.
    Interesting. Who does get something from religion, Babylonian?

  5. 8opus wrote: “Interesting. Who does get something from religion, Babylonian?”
    I don’t know, apparently lots of people since they keep doing it

  6. murderers tradtitionally benifit the most from religion. That’s who we make it for, people too occluded to come to truth without the benefit of holidays and or dogma.

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