Tag: refugees


“Let Our People IN”- An American-Iranian-Jewish-Mother-Wife-and-Rabbi Speaking Truth to Power On the Steps of the State House

This Executive Order—this Muslim Ban—is an egregious manifestation of Mitzrayim … and even if it is stayed or amended, it is clear we are going to need to remain awake and resilient….  Egypt is upon us, friends, and we’re going to need to be BRAVE, to LOVE bravely – across lines and despite fears.

Culture, Justice, Religion

Shelter from the Storm:

With festivities staged in rickety shelters open to the sky, Sukkot seemed to us like an ideal time to honor the situation of the almost 70 million refugees worldwide who sleep every night in these kinds of dwellings. In a state that has refused to accept any refugees from an escalating Syrian civil war, we hoped to use the holiday to jumpstart our solidarity with these displaced people.

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